School Health Policy Reminders
Back to school is the busiest time of the school year for the school nurses. As we navigate through all the forms we receive from parents we have several other duties at hand. We ask that you review some of the health services policies on the SAU 90 website so you can anticipate what may be required and/or requested by your school nurse for your student.
Of particular importance is for parents to provide the school nurses with current physicals and vaccination records. If your student is planning to participate in after school sports, per the school board, they must show proof of a physical within the last year at the start of the sport season. By NH school immunization requirements, for all grades, student’s are conditionally enrolled until proof of immunizations, a scheduled appointment to obtain the required immunizations, or documentation from a healthcare provider showing exemption for immunizations or a one time completed religious exemption form. Students entering 7th grade are required to have a Tdap (not DTAP) or a medical or religious exemption for this vaccine. Please click on this link for information regarding immunization requirements;
Another important healthcare issue is regarding a student’s school absence due to an injury, surgery or long-term illness. We ask that parents provide the school nurse with a healthcare provider note outlining recommendations for care and/or restrictions on or before the day the student returns to school. We want to ensure the safety and wellness of students as they return to school. (Policy JLCGA Return to School following Long-Term illness, etc.)
School Nurses may administer prescription and non-prescription medication to students as prescribed by a healthcare provider that are required during school hours. Please ensure that you have submitted all the forms the school nurse requests for this to be properly handled. School Nurses do not administer medication that is required for a student prior to or after school hours.
Please do not send your student to school with any medication, prescription or non-prescription. It is the responsibility of parents to bring students medication to school with the appropriate completed forms and handed off to the school nurse.
Many students participate in organized sports outside of or after school. If your student sustains a concussion whether at school or outside of the school day, it is the parents responsibility to coordinate a TBI management plan with a healthcare provider and forward this plan to the school nurse. Notify the school nurse if you have given your student medication before school attendance to ensure compliance with recommended dosages and times. The TBI plan is important and will be shared with the necessary staff so they may accommodate your student in the classroom. (Policy JLCJ Concussions and Head Injuries)
Please contact your school nurse if you have any questions or concerns regarding this information.
Hampton Academy School Nurse- Laura Frazer,
Marston School Nurse- Kathy Connolly,
Centre School Nurse- Amy Pietras,