SAU 90

Hampton School District

School Counselor K-8 Master Calendar and Competencies

(Revised 7-2016)

K-8 Master Model Calendar







Introducing the School Counselor/

Classroom visits


Review Guidance Curriculum

All School Morning Meeting


the School Counselor

School Expectations

Morning Meeting Visits

School Expectations


Rule Development

Classroom Expectations

All School Morning Meeting

Safety and Awareness

Red Ribbon Week


Space and Manners

Bully Prevention


All School Morning Meeting

Cooperation, Kindness,

and Feelings

Community Building and Acceptance

Leadership Trainings

Systems Support

Open House

Student Orientation

New Teacher Orientation

Student Schedules

Open House

Curriculum Night

Olweus Class Meetings

Responsive Classroom Planning

PBIS Planning

Committee Meetings


Student Schedules

Olweus Class Meetings

PBIS Lunch Talks

Committee Meetings


Student Schedules

Olweus Class Meetings

PBIS Lunch Talks

Committee Meetings


Student Schedules

Responsive Services

Crisis Intervention





Individual Counseling

Small Group Counseling

Crisis Intervention

Parent Consults

Teacher Consults

Interventionist Consults

School Social Worker Consults

Outside Agency Consults/


Individual Counseling

Small Group Counseling

Crisis Intervention

Parent Consults



Interventionist Consults

School Social Worker


Individual Counseling

Small Group Counseling

Crisis Intervention

Parent Consults



Interventionist Consults

School Social Worker


Outside Agency Consults/


Holiday Support Planning

Parent Conferences

Individual Student



Behavior Plans

Academic Planning

New Student Registration



School Board Reports


Behavior Plans

Academic Planning

New Student Registration



Review & Plan Tier Support

School Board Reports

Student Accommodations for Standardized Assessments

Success/Behavior Plans

Academic Planning

New Student Registration

504 Coordination

Review & Plan Tier Support

School Board Reports

Student Accommodations for Standardized Assessments

Success/Behavior Plans

Academic Planning

New Student Registration

504 Coordination

Review & Plan Tier Support

School Board Reports

Student Accommodations for Standardized Assessments

Professional Development

District Professional Development

District School Counselor Meetings



Responsive Classroom Training

Olweus Training

PBIS Training

District Professional Development

District School Counselor Meetings



Responsive Classroom Training

Olweus Training



District Professional Development

District School Counselor Meetings


Responsive Classroom Training

Olweus Training

PBIS Training

District Professional Development

District School Counselor Meetings


Responsive Classroom Training

Olweus Training

PBIS Training

Hampton School District

Comprehensive Guidance Competencies Kindergarten through Grade 8 (August 2014)

Academic Development

ASCA Student Standards for academic development guides school counseling programs to implement strategies and activities to support and maximize each student’s ability to learn.

National Standard A: Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span.

Competency Area: A:A1 - Improve Academic Self –Concept

Student Competency

A:A1.2Display a positive interest in learning

A:A1.3 Take pride in work and achievement

A:A1:4 Accept mistakes as essential to the learning process


*School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Instruction

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Health Education

*Responsive Classroom/PBIS

*School Wide Expectations

*All School Meeting

*Morning Meeting

*Lunch Talks

*Collaboration and Consultation with Professional Staff

*School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Instruction

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Celebration of Learning

*Student led conferences

*School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Instruction

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom

*Parent/Teacher Consultation


On going

On going

On going

Grade Level




Student Competency Indicator

  • Evidence of positive classroom climate and community

  • Understand and demonstrate the importance of school attendance

  • Demonstrate progress with individual behaviors and success plans

  • Evidence of homework and project completion

  • Progress and completion of student portfolios

  • Contribute to the development of Hopes and Dreams and classroom rule creation

  • Participate in Academic Choice

  • Contribute to Community Art Displays

  • Select participation in district, state and national academic programs (e.g. PTA Reflection Program)

  • Demonstrates knowledge and application of critical skills instruction

  • Participate in Interactive Modeling resulting in skill application

  • Knowledge and acceptance of logical consequences

  • Process behavioral incident with teacher, school counselor and /or administration

  • Utilize planning room for the purpose of reentering classroom (i.e., “Critical Thinking Forms”)

Competency Area: A:A2 – Acquire Skills for Improving Learning

Student Competency

A:A2.3 Use communication skills to know when and how to ask for help when needed


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Instruction

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


*Teacher Modeling


On going

Grade Level


Student Competency Indicator

  • Practice teacher and/or school counselor led scripts (e.g., interactive modeling and role plays)

  • Access anchor charts to follow routines and expectations

  • Responding to teacher reminders to access assistance appropriately

Competency Area: A:A3 – Achieve School Success

Student Competency

A:A3.1 Take responsibility for their actions

A:A3.2 Demonstrate the ability to work independently, as well as the ability to work cooperatively with other students

A:A3.3 Develop a broad range of interests and abilities


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Instruction

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom



* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Instruction

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Executive Skills Training

*Conflict Resolution

* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Instruction

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Extracurricular Activities

*Enrichment Programs


On going

On going

On going

Grade Level




Student Competency Indicator

  • Acceptance of proactive/reactive discipline

  • Completion and application of ”Critical Thinking Forms”

  • Fulfilling behavioral contract success plans and planning room interventions

  • Participate in re-entry meetings after disciplinary action

  • Demonstrate proficiency with organizational skills

  • Respond to verbal and visual prompts

  • Develop the skills for staying on task for independent assignments

  • Demonstrate skills for partner and group work

  • Awareness and demonstration of ”I Can Statements”

  • Demonstrate leadership skills acquired through student based programs (e.g., student leaders, student councils, UNH Browne Center)

  • Utilize decision making skills to select interest based programs (e.g., PTA After School Sponsored Events, Hampton Recreational Department Programs, extracurricular offerings, school based activities / sports programs)

National Standard B: Students will complete school with the academic preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial post-secondary options, including college.

Competency Area: A:B2 – Plan to Achieve Goals

Student Competency

A:B2.1 Establish challenging academic goals in elementary, middle/ junior high and high school

A:B2.2 Use assessment results in educational planning


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Instruction

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom



*Smarter Balanced


*Curriculum Based Assessments



On going

On going

Grade Level



Student Competency Indicator

  • Demonstrate dependability, productivity and initiative

  • Improvement in academic progress

  • Achieve or exceed expected academic growth in standardized assessments

  • Identify and revise quarterly academic expectations through Hopes and Dreams and progress reports

  • Utilize information from technology based programs (i.e., Power School)

  • Access available homework support

  • Set personal goals for student achievement

  • Participate in teacher conferences to identify skills that need improvement

  • Develop plan to achieve improved scores

National Standard C: Students will understand the relationship of academics to the world of work and to life at home and in the community.

Competency Area: A:C1 – Relate School to Life Experiences

Student Competency

A:C1.3 Understand the relationship between learning and work

A:C1.5Understand that school success is the preparation to make the transition from student to community member.


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Instruction

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


*Community Business Partnerships

* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Instruction

*Individual/Small Group Counseling


*Early College Awareness

*Community Service Learning


On going

On going

Grade Level



Student Competency Indicator

  • Make connections between curriculum based instruction and field trips, artist in residence, guest speakers, community members and organizations

  • Develop awareness that academic success leads to achievement in future personal goals

  • Create good school habits with consistent school attendance

  • Utilize knowledge of cooperative skills in both school and work settings

  • Complete and understand personal Career Interest Inventory

  • Participate in Career Fair

  • Explore post secondary options (i.e., Seacoast School of Technology)

  • Acquire knowledge of a variety of community based settings

Career Development

ASCA Student Standards for Career Development guides school counseling programs to provide the foundation fro the acquisition of skills, attitudes and knowledge that enable students to make a successful transition from school to the world of work, and from job to job across the life span.

National Standard A: Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions.

Competency Area: C:A1 – Develop Career Awareness

Student Competency

C:A1.2 Learn about the variety of traditional and non traditional occupations

C:A1.3 Develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills, interests and motivations


*Classroom Instruction

* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Inst.

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


*Classroom Instruction

*Health Education

*Career Technology


On going

On going

Grade level



Student Competency Indicator

  • Acquire knowledge in making informed career decisions

  • Investigate career opportunities through both curriculum and extra curricular endeavors

  • Utilize CHOICES Software

  • Utilize current technology based programs for course selection/student placement

  • Application of technology skills to enhance student understanding of interests and abilities

National Standard B: Students will employ strategies to achieve future career goals with success and satisfaction.

Competency Area: C:B1 – Acquire Career Information

Student Competency

C:B1.2 Identify personal skills, interests and abilities and relate them to current career choice


*Class Instruction

*Seacoast School of Technology

*After School Enrichment Programs


On going

Grade Level


Student Competency Indicator

  • Begin to identify a career based on interest abilities

  • Explore career opportunities through the use of community guest speakers (e.g., NHHEAF)

National Standard C: Students will understand the relationship between personal qualities, education, training and the world of work.

Competency Area: C:C1 – Acquire Knowledge to Achieve Career Goals

Student Competency

C:C1.2Explain how work can help to achieve personal success and satisfaction.


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Classroom Inst.

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


*Classroom Instruction

*Heath Education

*Community and Business Partnerships


On going

Grade Level


Student Competency Indicator

Understand the relationship between consistent student attendance and work success

Develop proficiency with increase self-motivation and planning skills

Apply cooperative skills to participate effectively in a group setting

Understand what contributes to future career success

Personal/Social Development

ASCA Student Standards for personal/social development guide school counseling programs to provide the foundation for personal and social growth as students progress through school and into adulthood.

National Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.

Competency Area: PS:A1 – Acquire Self- Knowledge

Student Competency

PS:A1.3 Learn the goal-setting process

PS:A1.5 Identify and express feelings

PS:A1.6 Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior

PS:A1.7 Recognize personal boundaries, rights and privacy needs

PS: A1.8 Understand the need for self-control and how to practice it

PS:A1.9 Demonstrate cooperative behavior in groups


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


*Health Education

* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


*Health Education

* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom



* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom



*School Wide Expectations


*KIDS & Company

* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom



*How Does Your Engine Run

* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


*UNH Browne Center


On going

On going

On going

On going

On going

On going

Grade Level







Student Competency Indicator

  • Understand the school rules associated with the student handbook

  • Respect and abide the school and classroom expectations outlined through classroom management programs

  • Reinforce prosocial behaviors through student recognition program

  • Demonstrate ability to apply “I can” statements to social emotional settings

  • Demonstrate an increased ability to choose and apply appropriate and healthy coping skills

  • Understand and demonstrate the benefits of applying the steps of positive decision making skills

  • Understand the school rules associated with the student handbook

  • Increase prosocial behaviors

  • Accept consequences of infractions with personal boundaries, rights and privacy needs

  • Increase prosocial behaviors

  • Participate in student surveys identifying behavioral issues

  • Practice self control techniques to increase student learning and performance

  • Develop an awareness of appropriate group behavior

  • Apply appropriate group behaviors during transitions and environments outside to the classroom

  • Demonstrate a variety of cooperative skills in large and small groups

National Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.

Competency Area: PS:A2 – Acquire Interpersonal Skills

Student Competency

PS:A2.1 Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities

PS:A2.3 Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differences


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


*School Wide Expectations

* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom



*School Assemblies

*Guest Speakers


On going

On going

Grade Level



Student Competency Indicator

  • Understand the school rules associated with the student handbook

  • Increase prosocial behaviors

  • Accept consequences of infractions with violations of peer rights and responsibilities

  • Understand individual differences as learners

  • Demonstrate respectful and cooperative behaviors in classroom and group setting

National Standard B: Students will make decisions, set goals and take necessary action to achieve goals.

Competency Area: PS:BI – Self-knowledge Application

Student Competency

PS:B1.2 Understand consequences of decisions and choices

PS:B1.3 Identify alternative solutions to a problem

PS:B1.4 Develop effective coping skills for dealing with problems

PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences

PS:B1.8 Know when peer pressure is influencing a decision


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom



* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom





On going

On going

On going

On going

On going

Grade Level






Student Competency Indicator

  • Describe, associate and predict results of chosen behaviors

  • Take responsibility for their course of action

  • Accept consequences of personal choices

  • Follow prescribed steps in problem solving strategies.

  • Follow prescribed steps in problem solving strategies and /or stress reduction techniques

  • Demonstrate when, where, and how to seek help for solving problems and making decisions

  • Understand individual differences regarding culture, race and ethnicity

  • Develop awareness of different lifestyles

  • Recognize existence of peer pressure

  • Follow prescribed steps in problem solving strategies.

  • Demonstrate when, where, and how to seek help for solving problems and making decisions

National Standard C: Students will understand safety and survival skills.

Competency Area: PS:C1 – Acquire Personal Safety Skills

Student Competency

PS:C1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of personal information (i.e., telephone number, home address, emergency contact)

PS:C1.3 Learn about the differences between appropriate and inappropriate physical contact

PS:C1.6 Identify resource people in the school and community, and know how to seek their help

PS:C1.7 Apply effective problem-solving and decision-making skills to make safe and healthy choices

PS:C1.8 Learn about the emotional and physical dangers of substance use and abuse

PS:C1.10 Learn techniques for managing stress and conflict


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Classroom Instruction

*Responsive Classroom



*KIDS and Company

* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom




*KIDS and Company


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom



*KIDS and Company

*Social Studies Curriculum


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom


*School Wide Prevention Activities and Assemblies


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling


*Health/School Nurse


* School Counseling Core Curriculum

*Individual/Small Group Counseling

*Responsive Classroom



On going

On going

On going

On going

On going

On going

Grade Level







Student Competency Indicator

  • Independently demonstrate knowledge of personal safety information

  • Demonstrate the ability to recognize the importance boundaries

  • Access trusted adults when feeling unsafe and/or threatened.

  • Follow prescribed steps in problem solving strategies.

  • Demonstrate when, where, and how to seek help for solving problems and making decisions

  • Demonstrate healthy and safe choices utilizing good decision making skills

  • Demonstrate the effects of substance abuse and its negative consequences on daily living

  • Follow prescribed steps for healthy stress reduction skills

  • Apply prescribed steps to manage school and academic expectations to help insure regular school attendance


ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs – Third Edition (2012). Alexandria, VA

Comprehensive Developmental Counseling Program (2006). Rochester School District. Rochester, NH

Ethical Standards for School Counselors (2010). American School Counselors Association Position Statements, American School Counselors Association.

New Hampshire Implementation Manual for Comprehensive School Guidance and Counseling (2004). New Hampshire Department of Education.

New Hampshire Rules for Education (2005). Ed 306.15 Provision of Staff and Staff Qualifications

New Hampshire Rules for Education (2014). 507.07 (Draft) Guidance and Counseling Program

The Professional School Counselor and Comprehensive Guidance Programs (2012). American School Counselors Association Position Statements, American School Counselors Association.